"Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one.'" ~ C. S. Lewis

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Looking Back, Looking Forward

Looking Back:

This has been an interesting year for me, and I thought it would be good to do a little reflecting on the highs and lows:
  • Survived a full year of grad school, which I loved/hated/loved depending on the day.
  • Survived a full year of teaching freshman English, which I pretty much loved/loved/loved - except for that whole grading papers part :)
  • I started a tumblr. Best time sucker EVER.
  • I won NaNo for the second time and ended up with an actual workable, revisable manuscript that I love.
  • I managed to keep up with all my favorite TV shows and still do all the work I was supposed to.
  • I read 140 books - only 10 shy of my goal.
  • Experienced the heart-rending closure of Borders. Saying good-bye to my co-workers, customers, and the store itself was one of the saddest things I've gone through and brings tears to my eyes even now.
  • Started a book club and then a book blog with a bunch of my coworkers who just couldn't bear saying good-bye to each other forever.
  • Became an aunt to the CUTEST little ladybug girl in the entire world.
Proof that she is in fact the cutest ladybug girl. ever.
  • Cut my hair. (hey, that's a big deal for me!)
  • Managed to post on my blog pretty regularly over the summer.
  • Lost track of my bloggy buddies. Didn't carve out the time to visit around and keep up with everybody. I really, really miss it.
  • Experienced the premier of the final Harry Potter movie with an amazing group of movie-goers in Toronto.
  • Went to Italy! With good friends and professors from school.
  • Was a panelist in three panels at Polaris (including moderating 2 of them) - WAY outside my comfort zome, but SO loved every minute of it!
  • Started going to the gym again!
  • Decided not to go straight on for my doctorate, which is a decision I'm happy with.
  • Laughed a lot, made good friends, cried some.
Looking forward:

This year is going to bring a lot of changes and, while I don't really make "resolutions" I think it would be good to make some goals or articulate some hopes.
  • Finish grad school on a high note! I graduate in May and I want this semester to be more positive than this past semester was.
  • Get at least one adjuncting job. I love teaching freshman English and I would love to be able to do this while I figure out what my next step is.
  • Figure out what I want to do with this blog. The every day thing is most definitely not working. Also, I feel like it gets stale when I put myself in too much of a schedule. But I need some sort of regularity to keep myself motivated. So I need to figure that out.
  • Get back to visiting all y'all's blogs. I miss it. I miss it so much and that made me realise that I don't want to do without it. So I need to carve out some time to do it.
  • Rewrite Solo, my NaNo novel. I love this book, but it needs some serious work. I will buckle down and do this. I don't want another crummy rough draft sitting around moping at me.
  • Win NaNo for the third time. Yes.
  • Read 150 books. I want to make this goal this year.
  • Step out of my comfort zone more. I'm not sure what form this should take, but I'm getting claustrophobic and if I'm not moving away from home yet I need to do more things to get me out and meeting people with like interests.
  • Help build our group book blog into a great place for readers to gather and share book love.
  • Waste less time on the interwebs. Twitter is fantastically fun and Tumblr is a great place to share fandom love, but honestly? I need to set a timer or something and get out more.
  • Go to the gym regularly. Even when I'm busy. I know I feel better when I do this, so why is it so hard?!
  • Laugh hard, cry sometimes, make more friends.
What are your highlights from last year? Things you're looking forward to this year?


Jemi Fraser said...

You've had a great year! I'm hoping to finish the last chapter and then polish 1 ms, then finish up the nano and dig into those revisions! Should be fun :)

Lola Sharp said...

Wow, you've had an amazing year indeed!

And your 2012 goals are doable and realistic and I wish for you a truly marvelous 2012! :)


Faith said...

Wow, you had such an awesome year, I love it! How exciting :) And yeah, I have a tumblr, too. It is SUCH a time suck. So addicting! It's fun, but I've had to make some rules about how much time I spend on there, too. Good luck with the rewrite/editing!

Sarah Ahiers said...

140 books? Man you're like some sort of supoer hero! Or witch...? *eyes suspiciously*
i'm posting my goals next week, but they're pretty much the same as last year, just a bit more to push me. 2012 is going to rock!

Unknown said...

You have done so much stufffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffs


I am super tired and you can tellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

Wow. SO much of what you are saying is what I've been thinking.