So to celebrate Singleness Awareness Day and distract myself from perpetual aloneness (it's really not as pathetic as I'm making it sound) I will make a list in no particular order of tv or movie guys that have made me smile this year.
One of my friends at school kept talking about Downton Abbey so I finally started it. OH. MY. WERD. Totally obsessed with it now. Totally. For many reasons, but Matthew Crawley doesn't hurt :)
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I mean, come on! Look at that face :) |
Here's a case where character development is everything, because at first I detested Tyler. I wanted to throw him out the window. Then I started to love him and totally ship Tyler/Caroline. And now I'm not sure what I think anymore, but he's certainly not hard on the eyes.
I started watching Robin Hood on Netflix and I have to admit that I totally found Sir Guy WAY more interesting than Robin Hood.
I love Dr. Who, but I'm so far behind :( I still haven't completely bought into Matt Smith, but I adore Rory - honestly, I don't think he's that cute, but his utter devotion to Amy is so freakin' adorable I can't help but love him!
Dad and I have been slowly working our way through the X-Files. So, yes. Fox Mulder![]() |
Though I have to wonder what mother names her baby Fox. I mean. Can you see her in the grocery store? FOX! You get back here right now! |
And I've finally jumped on the Supernatural bandwagon. Dean and Sam? Yes.
From the other side of the pitch, may I just say that Anna Silk, the star of the new SyFy series "Lost Girl," is...palatable.
Today's word verification definition:
pantai: a) What you wear around your neck to keep from dropping a hot frying pan on the floor when you step away from the stove
or, b) An article of clothing usually worn when cooking for fancy people.
Happy SAD!
... Whoa. Now that's an inappropriate acronym. (Kinda like the one for Valentine's Day itself.)
Glad to see you're finally watching Supernatural and sorry I've been AWOL on your blog lately... Mwah!
it's a long story and a private joke
Private? I do not think that word means what you think it means. Or maybe privacy just isn't what it used to be in the Internet age...
at first I detested Tyler. I wanted to throw him out the window. Then I started to love him and totally ship Tyler/Caroline. And now I'm not sure what I think anymore, but he's certainly not hard on the eyes.
I can't deny that he's kind-of smokin' from a purely physical perspective, but I find him annoying both on his own merits and because he took Caroline away from what to me was the even more surprising but really sweet developing relationship with Matt.
And in the palatable department, I really miss Jenna, although the other ladyfolk on the show ain't bad at all.
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