I think that updating on my blog every month how I'm doing on my resolutions will help me stay on track! So here goes:
1. Read 200 books in 2015:
I've been marking picture books To Read as I go through Publisher's Weekly for my job - kind of a side perk - so a couple weeks ago I took the list to my local library and checked out a stack of picture books and middle grade graphic novels and devoured them, which helped my total quite a bit.
So as of right now, I've read 26 books - which is 9 ahead of schedule and putting me at 13% of my goal. * of those were picture books and 8 of them were MG graphic novels. Being ahead now will help me as I get slowed down on some of the longer books I know I want to read this year.
2. Read 12 non-fiction books in 2015:
I squeaked this one out by finishing Why Buffy Matters: The Art of Buffy the Vampire Slayer last night. This was a really good read, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm also about half way through another non-fiction book, so February is looking quite promising already.
3. Clear out my Currently Reading GoodReads shelf:
I am doing all right here. I deleted 2 that I knew I wasn't going to be getting to any time soon, so there was no need to have them sitting there. I also finished The Boyfriend App by Katie Sise, so I am now down to 10 on this list, 4 of which are ones I'm actually currently reading. That's only 6 more I need to attack and clear off.
4. Read at least 2 print books I already own each month, with an eye toward weeding:
I didn't really do as well with this resolution. The Boyfriend App did double duty here, being both on my Currently Reading shelf and a print book I own that I hadn't read yet. The other book I read was a purchase at the end of last year, and is one I knew I wouldn't be getting rid of - Stephanie Perkins' Isla and the Happily Ever After. It had been sitting in my TBR pile, but I really want to try to read books I own that have been sitting there for a long time for this resolution - in addition to the books I "want" to read right now. I did a lot of library-ing this month too, so I had books I had to read so I could return them. I think I need to cool it on the library until I get through some of the books I own (but libraries are awesome-sauce!)
5. Read at least 1 eBook I already own each month:
I'm pretty happy with my progress here. I did a mini purge of my eBook collection, deleting a handful of books. Then I just started with the A's (well, actually with the numbered books, since the Nook forefronts numerals in front of A) and began working my way forward. This month I finished 44 by Jools Sinclair - well, I finished the books I own. It's a YA serial and I had a set with the first 5 books, so I finished the 4th and 5th. Then I also read Kim Foster's A Beautiful Heist and Adam Bede by George Eliot, and I'm almost done with The Adventures of Gerard by Arthur Conan Doyle. So I call this one a roaring success (especially since Adam Bede was over 400 pages long :)
So that's where I stand with my bookish resolutions. Did you make any book-related resolutions for the year? I'd love to hear about it!